Think today if you see hatred in your heart

"Give me John the Baptist's head on a plate." Matthew 14: 8

Uff, what a bad day to say the least. St. John the Baptist was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias. John was in prison for telling Herod the truth about his marriage, and Herodias was full of hatred for John. Then Herodias made her daughter dance in the presence of Herod and his guests. Herod was so impressed that he promised Salome until the middle of his reign. Instead, his request was for the head of John the Baptist.

Even on the surface this is a bizarre request. Salome is promised until the middle of the reign and, instead, asks for the death of a good and holy man. Indeed, Jesus said of John that no one born of a woman was greater than he. So why all the hatred of Herodias and her daughter?

This sad incident illustrates the power of anger in its most extreme form. When anger grows and grows it causes deep passion, so much so as to cloud a person's thinking and reason. Hatred and revenge can consume a person and lead to complete madness.

Here, too, Herod is witness to extreme irrationality. He is forced to do what he does not want to do because he is afraid of doing the right thing. He is overcome with hatred in the heart of Herodias and, as a result, he surrenders to the execution of John, whom he actually liked and liked to listen to.

We usually try to be inspired by the good example of others. But, in this case, we find that we can be "inspired" in a different way. We should use the testimony of John's execution as an opportunity to look at the struggles we have with anger, resentment, and above all hatred. Hate is a bad passion that can sneak in and cause a lot of destruction in our lives and the lives of others. Even the beginnings of this disordered passion should be confessed and overcome.

Think today if you see hatred in your heart. Have you held on with some grudge or bitterness that is not going away? Is that passion growing and damaging your life and the lives of others? If so, decide to let him go and forgive. It is the right thing to do.

Lord, give me the grace I need to look into my heart and see any tendencies of anger, resentment and hatred. Please cleanse me of these and set me free. Jesus I believe in you.