July 31: devotion and prayers to Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Azpeitia, Spain, c. 1491 - Rome, July 31, 1556

The great protagonist of the Catholic Reformation in the sixteenth century, was born in Azpeitia, a Basque country, in 1491. He was initiated into the life of a knight, the conversion took place during a convalescence, when he found himself reading Christian books. At the Benedictine abbey of Monserrat he made a general confession, took off his knightly clothes and took a vow of perpetual chastity. In the town of Manresa for more than a year he led a life of prayer and penance; it was here that living near the Cardoner river he decided to found a company of consecrated persons. Alone in a cave he began to write a series of meditations and norms, which later reworked formed the famous Spiritual Exercises. The activity of the pilgrim priests, those who would later be the Jesuits, develops a little all over the world. On September 27, 1540, Pope Paul III approved the Society of Jesus. On July 31, 1556, Ignatius of Loyola died. He was proclaimed a saint on 12 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. (Avvenire)


O God, who for the glory of your name you raised up in your Church Saint Ignatius of Loyola, grant us too, with his help and example, to fight the good fight of the gospel, to receive the crown of saints in heaven. .


«Take, Lord, and receive all my freedom, my memory, my intelligence and all my will, all I have and possess; you gave it to me, Lord, they laugh it; everything is yours, you dispose of everything according to your will: give me only your love and your grace; and this is enough for me ».

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, comfort me
O good Jesus, listen to me
Hide me inside your wounds
Don't let me separate you from you.
Defend me from the evil enemy.
At the hour of my death, call me.
Arrange for me to come to you to praise you with all the saints for ever and ever.
