August 2, devotion to the forgiveness of St. Francis of Assisi

Thanks to San Francesco, from noon on August 1 to midnight of the following day, or, with the Bishop's consent, on the previous or following Sunday (from midday on Saturday to midnight on Sunday), you can gain profit only once. Plenary indulgence of the Porziuncola (or Forgiveness of Assisi).


My Lord Jesus Christ, I adore you present in the Blessed Sacrament and, having repented of my sins, I beg you to grant me the holy Indulgence of Forgiveness of Assisi, which I apply for the benefit of my soul and in suffrage of the holy souls of Purgatory. I pray you according to the intention of the Supreme Pontiff for the exaltation of the Holy Church and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Cinque Pater, Ave and Gloria, according to the intention of the S.Pontifice, for the needs of S.Chiesa. A Pater, Ave and Gloria for the purchase of the SS. Indulgences.


1) Visit to a parish church or a Franciscan church

and recite our Father and Creed.

2) Sacramental confession.

3) Eucharistic Communion.

4) Prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father.

5) Disposition of mind that excludes any affection for sin, including venial sin.

Indulgence can be applied to yourself or to a deceased.

One night in the year 1216, Francis was immersed in prayer and contemplation in the little church of the Porziuncola, when suddenly a very bright light shone and he saw the Christ above the altar and the Madonna on his right; both were bright and surrounded by a multitude of Angels. Francis silently worshiped his Lord with his face on the ground. When Jesus asked him what he desired for the salvation of souls, Francis' response was: "Most Holy Father, although I am a miserable sinner, I pray that to all those who, repentant and confessed, come to visit this church, You grant them ample and generous forgiveness, with a complete remission of all sins ”. “What you ask, O Brother Francis, is great - the Lord told him - but you are worthy of greater things and you will have greater. Therefore, I accept your prayer, but on condition that you ask my Vicar on earth, for my part, for this indulgence. " And Francis immediately presented himself to Pope Honorius III who was in Perugia in those days and candidly told him about the vision he had had. The Pope listened attentively and after some difficulties gave his approval, then said: "How many years do you want this indulgence?". Francis snapping, replied: “Holy Father, I don't ask for years, but for souls”. And happy he went towards the door, but the Pontiff called him back: "What, you don't want any documents?". And Francis: “Holy Father, your word is enough for me! If this indulgence is God's work, he will think about manifesting his work; I don't need any documents, this card must be the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ the notary and the Angels as witnesses. ". And a few days later, together with the Bishops of Umbria, he said in tears to the people gathered at the Porziuncola: "My brothers, I want to send you all to Heaven"